Dean Burgess Dean Burgess

Peace on the Horizon: Managing Mental Illness

For many of us, mental illness is not only debilitating but also a threat to our very identity. To free ourselves from the shackles of the mind and set the tone for a more positive future, it’s often necessary to change our daily routines, and adjust our attitudes toward the problem.

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Tashiyanna Noel Tashiyanna Noel

Analyzing Negative Beliefs and Patterns

While it’s important to reflect, it is also important to make sure you’re seeing things the way they really are. Which sometimes is hard to do when you’re feeling emotional or hurt. Here’s a list of how we can think things are worse than they are.

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Tashiyanna Noel Tashiyanna Noel

10 Most Effective Tips on Managing Thoughts About Undesired Behaviors

You don’t just plant a seed only for it to bloom into a full tree overnight; growing a tree takes water, light, space and most importantly time. We can’t rush the process, and when we try we get something artificial and less fulfilling. Personal development is like this.

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