Analyzing Negative Beliefs and Patterns
Identify which of these you do when you’re thinking, if any:
Personalizing: thinking all situations and events are about you or revolve around you.
“Everyone was looking at me and wondering why I was there. I know they must have been talking about me.”
Magnifying: Blowing negative events out of proportion.
“This is the worst thing that could happen to me.”
Minimizing Positives: Ignoring the positive factors of a situation.
“Acing the test was no big deal.”
Minimizing Negatives: Overlooking the negative factors of a situation.
“Walking out in a dangerous neighborhood is no big deal because nothing really bad happens.”
All-or-Nothing Thinking: Seeing things in black and white with no in-betweens.
“Either I will be CEO or I will be unemployed.”
Jumping to Conclusions: Making a false connection between one set of circumstances and an outcome.
“I blew the test; I’m never going to be able to get into college” “My heart is pounding. I must be having a heart attack.”
Over-Generalizing: Thinking that if something happens once, it will happen every time.
“I am never going to be able to change my behavior. I always screw up.”
Self-Blaming: Blaming yourself rather than identifying specific behaviors that you can change.
“I’m no good.”
Mind Reading: Assuming you know what other people are thinking.
“My mom is mad at me because she think is I am screwing up again.”
Catastrophizing: Taking something small that happened and exaggerating it.
“Since I’ve already screwed up. I’ll never be able to succeed.”
Awfulizing: Entering a new situation assuming that things won’t work out or that you will fail before you even try.
“I’ll never be able to afford anything. I may as well not work at all.”
Self-Loathing: thinking things that make you feel bad about yourself.
“I don’t deserve things to get any better. “I’ am no good, just as my father/boss/ significant other said.”
Now that you’ve identified various thought patterns that keep you in a negative headspace, challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs with this free worksheet!