Did you know

taking antidepressants can increase your risk of an
early death by 33%?

Being diagnosed with a mental disorder doesn’t have to be a death sentence. And despite what society wants you to believe, it doesn’t mean you’re broken or “low functioning”.

With a good therapist, life coach, or alternative therapies you can transform unhelpful cognitive functions that impact how you think and feel and find the synergy you need to create a life you enjoy.



Creator of Mindwell Body + Soul

As someone who discontinued using Paxil over three years ago after developing a dependency following five years of use, I’ve never felt better. 

After voluntarily admitting myself into a mental health facility in 2019 due to suicidal ideation, I went on an intentional journey of healing with cognitive behavioral therapy and other holistic treatment options. I was able to rediscover myself and become self-actualized, and accomplish some of my greatest successes. No more suicidal ideation. No more withdrawals after missing one dose of medicine. No indecisiveness and procrastination. No ruminating or insomnia. I’ve cleared the brain fog that kept me in a cycle, living a life of codependency with people pleasing habits that didn’t serve me.  

I’m letting go of shame and providing others in similar situations, the opportunity to achieve emotional and mental clarity and reach their greatest potential. By sharing only the most beneficial exercises from my ten years of therapy I hope to help others rediscover themselves and reach their fullest potential.

how to receive LIFELONG Results

At Mindwell Body and Soul, I’ve put together an organic, all-encompassing approach to long-life long mental and emotional wellness without the use of psychotropics or antipsychotics. With empathy and inclusivity at the forefront of my mind you’ll be equipped with the skills and foundation you need to cope with difficult situations through:

  • Goal Setting

  • Motivational Enhancement

  • Healthy Boundaries & Refusal Skills 

  • Bonding and Rapport Building

  • Preparing for High-Risk Situations & Relapse

  • Developing a Social Support System & Improving Social Effectiveness

I can help you achieve success and obtain the life you deserve. Ready to become your best self, find fulfillment and – mind, body, and soul? Take action with any of our free resources or programs.

We can spend years trying to mold ourselves to fit the expectations of others, and still not measure up to their standards. Meanwhile society conditions us to be ashamed of such disappointments. “Failure is not an option.” “Look on the bright side.” “Good vibes only.” 

The more these positivity mantras are ingrained in us, the more we forget that life is a journey, and in order to enjoy the highs we must embrace the lows. 

What you have experienced—all your feelings and struggles, every chapter of your story—is needed to help bring into existence the unique individual that is you.


Time to notice patterns, increase your understanding of who you are and why, and make a choice. You have no right to stay broken. You have the right to feel, live, and love deeply and profoundly. 

Some say, "Life is hard. Then you die." But what if it isn’t? What if I could help you see that and give you an opportunity to change your mind? The world is in need of bright, authentic souls that know how to experience emotions and love openly.

A fulfilling life is your prerogative.


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