Learning New Coping Strategies

Over the last several years I’ve studied and practiced various treatment options to help me cope. When the medication became ineffective I would visit my psychiatrist and he would either change medicine or up my dosage.

Then, I started using alternative treatment options, and although I felt much better at times I found myself still struggling. Things that once made a noticeable difference, like B12 and magnesium glycinate, guided meditation, mirror therapy and more, seemed to just stop working. I thought I was doing something wrong. I grew discouraged and fell back into old, unhealthy habits. But, it turns out things like, pressure and stress, alcohol, poor sleep habits, hormone changes, other herbal supplements and more were all things that contributed to my treatment no longer being effective.

If you’re at a stage where it feels like you’ve plateaued, below is a list of coping strategies you can use to stay motivated and avoid backsliding or relapsing.

Actions for Immediate Relief

  • Listen to music.

  • Focus on your breathing.

  • Reach out to someone in your support system.

  • Do something physical or creative to distract yourself.

  • Get out of the situation and actively relax to clear your mind.

Internal Thoughts That Help

  • Give yourself an encouraging pep talk.

  • Remind yourself of your reasons for changing.

  • Picture the long term effects of your progress.

  • Visualize yourself happy and fully in control of your life.

  • Think of the long, healthy life you will have alongside friends and family.

  • Reflecting on what you’re grateful for, and what you enjoyed or accomplished at the end of each week.

Lifestyle Changes to Consider

  • Reward yourself for staying consistent.

  • Take up a new hobby or try an old one.

  • Exercise regularly and eat less processed foods.

  • Avoid environments and people that trigger you.

  • Practice relaxation or meditation and clear your mind.

  • Develop a sleep routine and get at least six hours of sleep each night.

  • Spend time with friends and family who support your overall well-being.

From this list, choose what will fit your lifestyle. Although you will need to try a few different strategies before you determine what works best for you, feel free to use this habit log to keep track of your progress.

Tashiyanna Noel

Mental health advocate & author who overcame major challenges to take control of my health, life & happiness.

I share the significant lessons learned on my 10+ year journey to self-fulfillment so you, too, can conquer your trauma to feel your best & create a life of comfort and ease.


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