Bonus: Healing Tunes & Guided Meditation


  1. Add details to the blog item’s excerpt.

  2. Update the tag to the name of the offer included within the Carousel Summary Block. Examples: Emergence of Self or Power of the Switch.

  3. Do not change the category — it should be listed as Offer Carousel.

  4. Be sure to enable the correct summary block filter on the page the carousel will display.

    • Filter category = Offer Carousel

    • Filter tag = Offer name

Tashiyanna Noel

Mental health advocate & author who overcame major challenges to take control of my health, life & happiness.

I share the significant lessons learned on my 10+ year journey to self-fulfillment so you, too, can conquer your trauma to feel your best & create a life of comfort and ease.

Week Four: Self-Coaching & Self-Care


Bonus: Unlimited Access to The Well